Sunday 27 February 2011

OST airport 27-02-2011.

Nicely painted 44 year old Antonov An-12B...
UR-CGV- Meridian Airlines.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Slipway Oostende (collection)

Click HERE to open the album.

Apart from "Ter Streep", "Loodsboot 1", "Loodsboot 6" & "Loodsboot 7", my entired Slipway collection is included in this album.

My IDP slipway album will be uploaded some day soon.

Oostende 24-02-2011.

O.156 MARRETJE-AALTJE alongside FR.242 MARIAMA K. @ Quay 760.
The 1976 built fishingvessel FR.242's no longer in Plymouth but in Ostend,
to be broken up by 'De Boer'.

Still on the slip is O.62 DINI.

SYLT, first timer on the old slipway...more known @ IDP shipyard...

O.71 JACOB KIEN, entering the locks wearing its 'new' green c/s. (14h32)

STREAM from Nieuwpoort entering port. (14h45).

O.71 JACOB KIEN leaving port. (14h50)

For larger: Click here.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Zeebrugge 22-02-2011

Short visit to the Port of Zeebrugges.

Click here for today's images.

Uitkerkse Polders 22-02-2011.

A rather quiet day in Uitkerke today, apart from two nice sightings: Short-eared Owl (1) & two very rare migrants to our regions: Red-breasted Geese , unfortunately no images!

Click here to see today's images.

Het Zwin 17-02-2011.

After a year's absence it was about time to bring a visit to Nature reserve 'Het Zwin' again. Main goal was to photograph geese in flight - seen from the embankment - with a nice faded backdrop...

However, ZENO's (LIFE-natuurproject: Zwinduinen Ecologische Natuur Ontwikkeling) largest objective - repairing the micro-relief of the 'Kleyne Vlakte' (the most southern part of the nature reserve) - has taken care of the excavation of some large pools south of the entrance, and it seems like all geese prefer this new site instead!

Nevertheless, got some shots of the White Storks: Click here.

Other birds spotted: Avocet, Blue Tit, Chaffinch, Cormorant, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit, Jackdaw, Lapwing, Oystercatcher, Redshank, Wren.

For more information about the ZENO-projects: Click here.

Support Greenpeace

Today, I donated €20 to support Greenpeace building its new "Rainbow Warrior",
which ends completion in October 2011...

Choose your own gift amount and buy a symbolic part of the ship.

That goes from €1 screws to €4000 priced radars...
My €20 was worth a 1m2  of main sail!

Be generous and donate now!

After making your donation your name and message will appear on the contributor's wall.
Your name will also appear on the contributors wall onboard the real Rainbow Warrior!

Click here to visit the website about the new Rainbow Warrior.

X-rite Color Checker Passport

Click here for product information.

Some months ago I bought this handy tool  to improve my colourmanagement. Since then, I've tried the passport on multiple subjects, different locations & lightconditions & can't longer do without! It's lightweight, takes a matter of seconds in the field and prooves its usefullness when editing your images in either Lightroom or Photoshop... For more info, click the link!

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog.

In the near future you'll find recent work & topics which might be of anyone's interest on this page!

Greetings, Michael Van Bosch.