Friday 18 March 2011

Sanibel Island & Estero (17-03-2011)

Like in 2009, in desperate search of 'Roseatte Spoonbills' we went to Sanibel Island.
Instead of the spoonbills, a new species showed up in splendid earlymorning conditions:

 "Yellow-crowned Night Heron".

At noon, on the way to the Estero Lagoon, halted by the bridge for some
Brown Pelicans.

Little Estero Lagoon.

Great White Egret.

Brown Pelican.

Reddish Egret with a small crab.

Royal Tern.


Semipalmated Plover.

Little Blue Heron.

In the last rays of sunlight, I picked out this Snowy Egret...

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